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10 Cancer Symptoms That Most People Ignore

10 Cancer Symptoms That Most People Ignore

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Considering the possibility that you may have cancer is downright overwhelming and terrifying. Yet it is just as important that you stay vigilant and get any possible symptoms and signs checked away instantly. Here are 10 common cancer symptoms that most people ignore, but actually are a call for action.
Change in Bowel Habits
If there is a mass impeding the passing of stool in your colon, this can result in uneasy bowel movement as well as larger than usual or deformed stool. As this can be a sign of colon cancer, you might need to schedule a colonoscopy to check things out and be sure, so call your doctor right away.
Change in Urinary Habits
A sudden and drastic change in your urinary routines or appearance of blood in urine can be a clear sign of cancer. It can also be a symptom of urinary tract infection so make sure to check that out first before you hit the big panic button.
Persistent Cough
Not all coughs are cancer induced, but the only way to check and make sure yours is much harmless is to visit the doctor and get the required scans. Undue hoarseness, or a particularly cacophonous cough, that is persistent or accompanied by blood clearly signals trouble.
Persistent Difficulty in Swallowing
If you are having difficulty swallowing without any real explanation as to why, you might want to see your doctor at the earliest. Esophageal and Neck cancer can both make it hard to ingest usual food, and while eating softer foods might bring relief this is far from a solution to the matter at hand.
Changing Moles

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It is a good idea to get regularly screened for skin cancer if you tend to spend a good deal of time outdoors. Having said that, keep an eye out for new marks and moles or those that seem to change shape or appearance; not all such occurrences indicate melanoma but some might well do.
Unexplained Lumps
A lump that appears out of nowhere or a lump changing shape and form are a clear sign that necessitate action. While this could simply be a cyst, this is a possibility you want only your doctor to officially rule out. Especially of relevance when noticed in the breast area.
Sores that Refuse to Heal
A typical sore takes no more than three weeks for the body to heal; therefore if you have sores that have been around for any longer, this can be a clear sign of cancer. Make sure to get it medically checked up.
Unexplained Pains
Unexplained and persistent pains, while sometimes perfectly natural, can just as easily be a sign of serious trouble. No matter where you experience this pain in your body, a proper check up at the doctor's is due to ensure whether or not anything major is responsible.
Undue Weight Loss
Serious weight loss, while your grandest of dreams, when unexplained can be a sign of malignancy or a tumor. Don't waste any time and consult your doctor at the earliest- this time it may not be cause to celebrate.
Undue Bleeding
Bleeding, when unexplained is never a good sign; don't just ignore it. Unexpected bleeding outside your usual menstrual cycle can be a sign of cervical cancer, while anal bleeding may signal colon cancer.
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10 Cancer Symptoms That Most People Ignore
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Over-Cooking Causes Cancer

Over-Cooking Causes Cancer

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Over-Cooking your foods is a slow way of shortening your life. A recent article discovers startling dangers when foods are cooked at high temperatures. Studies reveal that, "breast and prostate cancers are sharply increased in those who eat heavily cooked meat such as hamburgers(1)".
It is not confined to low quality meat such as ground beef. When any food is cooked above 300 degrees, damaging chemical changes occur. Upon ingesting this chemically altered food, we are exposed to mutagens that effect our DNA by increasing cancer risk. This altered food also causes glycation and inflammation that destroy our body's proteins which leads to premature aging.
If you are skeptical about the proof, please see the life extension reference at the end of the article. This study included over 100 supporting scientific studies. These studies discuss how well done steak, bacon, and hamburgers dramatically increase breast cancer risk. Eating deep fried foods are even worse due to the link to a wide number of cancers. Even over cooking healthy foods like fish, can create a similar danger.
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Here's EXACTLY what whole wheat bread, sugar, and vegetable oil does to the cells of your body (STOP eating these) CLICK HERE

What to do: This article really woke me up and scared me into changing my cooking routine. The worst methods of cooking are deep frying, oven broiled and pan fried. The best methods are steaming, stewing, poaching and boiling. If you never had steamed fish, it's much moister and cleaner than other methods. It turns out that small changes make all the difference. You can boil eggs in the morning rather than fry them. If you are a big meat eater, consider stewing meats which also makes them very tender and flavorful. Steaming all your veggies also helps keeps the nutrients intact.
Besides cooking better, eating cruciferous vegetables(broccoli, cauliflower, cabbage) contain Idole-3-carbinol which offers protection against cancers caused by over cooking. Chlorophyllin, the green pigment from plants, is also another way to mitigate this damaging effect. Chlorophyllin is sometimes sold as an herbal supplement, so be sure you get a high quality product with proper absorption.
A positive attitude about making healthy changes is just part of our lifestyle. I am research driven and absolutely determined to get the best out of life. I've already eliminated foods from my diet like beef, pork, butter, deep fried foods, etc. I figure that it's never too late to get healthier. If that means making behavioral adjustments thought life, I look forward to it. L. Johnson
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Gold Nanorods: A Life Saving Aid From Cancer

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There are certain severe diseases like cancer, which require high end medical treatment. There are varieties of cancer and at times it becomes quite difficult to detect them at the initial stages. Until and unless we get to know about the root cause of the issue, it is not possible to get desired results. In this regard, gold nanorods are useful in detecting the cancer cells. Working of gold nanorods They are used to identify the proteins found in the outer part of the cancer cells. Cancer is a severe health issue which comes from different frames and it can develop in any part of the human body. Different types of cancer have different attributes; similarly the protein found in the outer region of the cancer cells also varies.
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These gold nanorods deliver the protein into the blood and then the sample is taken for further examination and studies. These particles are subjected to greater analysis they are capable enough to detect the types of toxins and other pathogens present in the cancer cells. These nanorods are used in the cancer diagnosis, which reduces the expenses associated with it. In this method, the cost is reduced by two-third when compared to other cancer diagnosis techniques. The reason behind lower cost is nanorods make use of blood samples in order to detect the cancer cells than biopsy which is obviously very costly technique. Unlike biopsy, even nanorods produce faster results. Thus, a certain amount is reduced by using a traditional microscopic technique to study the nanorods and proteins. Advantages of buying gold nanorods through online Since the development of internet era, it has become very easy to buy the things you like instantly. Internet is flooded with a wide array of information so that anyone can access to required information or purchase required products from the comforts of their place. Online world allows the people to browse a number of different sites for their required products without leaving their place.
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Here's EXACTLY what whole wheat bread, sugar, and vegetable oil does to the cells of your body (STOP eating these) CLICK HERE

A Life Saving Aid From Cancer

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Cause and Symptoms of Cervical Cancer

Cause and Symptoms of Cervical Cancer


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Cervical cancer is uncommon in developed countries where screening is strictly implemented. Internationally, cervical cancer remains to be one of the most common cancers in women. As a matter of fact, it is the second leading cause of cancer-related deaths among women in the developing countries. Based on The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), it is the most commonly type of cancer that occurs in ages 50 to 70 years old. However, there is an increase in the number of reported cases of in women less than 40 years old over the last two decades.
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The cause of cervical cancer has already been established through numerous studies and researches. It has been known that it develops from genital infection caused by certain strains or species of Human Papilloma Virus (HPV). There are over a hundred strains of HPV, but the two most commonly involved strains are HPV 16 and 18 which are the etiology of more than 70% of all cervical cancer cases worldwide. HPV is mostly transmitted though unprotected sexual intercourse. Infection can develop as soon as the virus shed to the infective site however not all infections could cause symptoms. Some may go undetected while others present with genital warts that is a potential source of development.
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Here's EXACTLY what whole wheat bread, sugar, and vegetable oil does to the cells of your body (STOP eating these) CLICK HERE

 Cause and Symptoms of Cancer

Apart from HPV, there are other factors that contribute to the development of cervical cancer. Having sex at a fairly young age and multiple sexual partners that could lead to different sexually transmitted infections are some factors. Persons with Human Immune deficiency Virus (HIV) are also noted to have 5-fold increased risk of getting this cancer.
Vaginal bleeding, more prominent after a sexual intercourse, is usually the early symptom of cervical cancer. There could also be pain during sexual intercourse, foul-smelling vaginal discharge and pain when voiding. Sometimes this cancer could also be asymptomatic and would be incidentally discovered through a routine Papanicolaou (Pap) test. The test is done by obtaining a sample tissue from the area where the cervix and the vagina meet. The sample obtained will then be examined under a microscope to note of any cell that is precancerous. In developed countries such as the US, there is a strict implementation of a yearly Papanicolaou (Pap) test for women of reproductive age. This has been proven effective in preventing the development of a full blown cervical cancer. This is because precancerous cells are excised and treated before they further develop into malignant cancer cells. This is also the reason why there is a steady decrease in number of patients in the US and other developed western countries. The same program is also being pushed forward in developing countries where this cancer remains to be a burden of government health sectors.
Management of a full blown cervical cancer depends on the stage where it was diagnosed. In early stages of the disease, surgery is the management of choice. However in cases diagnosed late and when cancer cells already spread to other parts of the body, radiotherapy combined with chemotherapy is being used.
The prognosis also depends on the stage of it. Basically, a 5-year survival rate of patients in earlier stages are better compared to the end-stage.
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Cancer Society of America Is a charitable non-profit organization that receives gift donations in order to help cancer patients, and support cancer research groups to find cancer cures. Please click below link to make your gift donation to bring help and hope to millions of people who suffer and fight cancer:
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